Friday, May 23, 2008

I think I just paid 24 dollars for my blood type

For some reason I thought you could drive on your US license forever down here, but I recently found out from Christy that is not the case. For us to get a Costa Rican license, one step is to go to the doctor and get a checkup. I guess I should really have quotes around two parts of that last phrase. Lets try go to the 'doctor' to get a 'check up'. For any of you who have seen the simpsons, I've given you a sample of what one of these doctors might look like on the left. We got in, and he asked us our height and weight. He asked me if I took any medicine - I said yes for blood pressure. He asked me to read an eye chart, I did. Sounds pretty thorough, right? What you don't know....he ballparked the English height and weight measurements into metric. He did not write down any of my medicines. Without taking my blood pressure, he KNEW that my pulse was 68 and my BP was 110/70. Thats amazing. Equally as astounding, Christy's was exactly the same. I always wanted perfect blood pressure, now I have it. When I was reading the eye chart, my right eye was really blurry for whatever the reason - after I opened my left eye I could see that I got them all wrong. However, my vision is still 20-20. PHEW. And I thought that maybe it was slipping. On the plus side, the appointment was not a total waste. A) I can get a license now. B) I found out my blood type was AB+. This is bad for everyone else because my donated blood does almost no good. Good for me because I can accept all blood types.

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

what makes you so sure that's actually your blood type? i mean... maybe you just 'happen' to have the perfect blood type? riiight....