Monday, June 2, 2008

No two people are not on fire...awwww

This weekend while talking with Bryan & Robin Kandall, missionaries currently serving at La Palabra de Vida, we reminded each other of a website we both thought was funny. The name of it is home star runner. If you do not love silly and/or dumb humor, I would not recommend you go there. If you are one of my supporters, I think maybe you should not go at all as I can not vouch for almost anything on the site. That aside, there is cartoon on the website where one of the characters (strongbad) talks about a children's book he once made.

He basically takes a Dick and Jane book and 'modifies' it based on what he thinks it should look like. I can not speak for all the women in the house - but as a boy - this is exactly what I used to (still do) do. There are several pictures in our grammar work books that look just like these pictures. Every time we look at them or get a similar handout, Christy and I always giggle and quote the strongbad cartoon or make up our own captions.

While doing a homework assignment today for grammar, Christy stumbled upon something surprising. A photo that did not need any modifications for it to be funny. I'm not even sure how this one 'made the cut' - but I have scanned it in below so you could see. I've also added a few of my own subtitles below it. I've probably butchered the Spanish - but hey - I tried.

- Martin está muerto (he really is, look under the bus)
- Fernando está a punto de morir
- Ramon tiene una dislocación del cuello
- Pablo objetivos para las personas en su autobús
- Xilene tiene una dudosa profesión
- Jorge vive en 1972

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

haha. i love that site. have you ever checked the intro? It's a little link on the main page. Homestarrunner keeps messing up the 'welcome' clip... you'll love it.