Thursday, June 26, 2008

An unintended side effect

I call it side effect because I am not sure if it is good or bad. We knew that our kids would learn Spanish while here in Costa Rica. The other language we had not counted on was southern twang. Nearly 3/4 of all the people at the school now are southern baptist and are generally from southern states in the US. Several of Elizabeth's classmates at school have accents. The other day she came home and told us she had a 'bew-bew' - instead of a boo-boo or an owie. She also asked me yesterday if she could watch a 'mew-vie' when she got home from school.

This is certainly something we will have to monitor as the future progresses. We can "unlearn her gud" starting in 2009 when we move away from the south.


Amie Ezelle said...

Hey watch it! You might have some people from the "South" reading your blog :-)

Josh & Christy Meyer said...

Hah! You should have seen what I wrote BEFORE Christy edited it :)