Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sweet revenge and a constant fluctuation

Sweet revenge - its what we all want but so rarely can attain. Last week Roxanna brought me some fruit from her house and told me that she really thought I would like it. However, it was really important that I just eat the whole entire thing (at this point, I know something is wrong but I play along). So I pop it in my mouth, and it may be the most tart/sour/wow tasting thing ever - even now my mouth waters as I think about it. This is saying something given that I have a vey high tolerance (*talent* as I like to call it) for sour, sweet and hot things. It was actually a smaller not quite ripe Cass fruit. At the end of the day, I actually liked it, but she loved the fact that I puckered up pretty good.

No good deed should go unrewarded though. I asked her if she liked queso azul (probably not called that here, but you get the idea). She had no idea what it was - so I said I would try to find some for her to try. For the record, good cheese is almost impossible find down here - and when you do - it is big bucks. All that aside, I found a store that sold small amounts which Christy and I enjoyed quite a bit on a large salad. HOWEVER, I made sure to save a big chunk for Roxanna. After lunch this last Monday I looked really excited, told her how hard this cheese was to find, that it cost some money but I wanted her to try it, etc etc. Of course, I knew she would hate it. A strong stinky cheese like this is way to much for the average Costa Rican pallet. All I can say is, as puckered as my face looked with her Cass, her look of horror and disgust as she tried to finish the cheese was much better. Luckily at the end of the day Elizabeth helped her out and offered to eat the rest.

Enter some pun here like 'Revenge really IS best served cold...' Awesome.

Beyond acting in clearly incorrect ways (e.g., revenge) during my spare time, we have actually had quite a bit of changes in the last week. There was some conversation between our mission that we will deploy to (La Palabra de Vida) and us as to whether it would be possible to deploy out there early. We were originally going to take two trimesters of language school - but we have only just completed our first. They desperately need someone to teach English now - and after prayer, discussion with ourselves, others and our agency we felt the answer was yes - that we could go. There were some conditions with that (e.g., we would not teach a full load, we would work towards getting 8+ hours of private tutoring a week, etc). So, we've started taking steps to 'disenroll' from language school and work towards moving out to San Antonio de Belen. You can pray for Christy and I because the short notice move is pretty stressful. Lots of people to inform, disappoint, etc - which is always hard. Please also pray for La Palabra de Vida as they really do need more committed Christian teachers available through some pipeline.

Another matter of prayer that we learned about today was that Roxanna's grandson just had routine surgery a couple days ago but he is still in the hospital with a really high fever and infection. It was clearly weighing heavily on her mind today.


Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you guys! And blue cheese sounds good right now...

Anonymous said...

You write very well.