Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Beach!

My whole family including both my brothers (and their families) and my parents came down to Costa Rica - for what might be one of the last large Meyer Family hurrahs - about a week ago. My parents rented a house in Manuel Antonio - a rainforest / beach area roughly three hours away from San Jose, Costa Rica with plenty of space so that we could enjoy the pool, the beach, good eats and time with each other. As with all things, sometimes God's plan is a little different than ours. Our trip was cut short - as in never happened - because as it turned out we needed to stay much of the time in San Jose nearer a top tier hospital (no one is in critical condition and all my family has since returned home - so no need to worry - but thanks for starting to worry). After you leave the San Jose area, the quality of care and options start going down hill fast. However, in the middle of that week My eldest brother, his wife and my family were able to go out for a few days and enjoy the property as it had already been rented.

The kids were a bit concerned at first that we may not get to go to the beach and enjoy the pool, ocean, sand, food, etc - you can see their agony in this picture. But, after we told them they were quite happy to be going - minus the three hour drive up non-U.S.A approved style roads through the moutains. Actually, I think my brother and his wife were even less excited about that drive - its pretty brutal for anyone who gets motion sick. As the driver right in front of the AC - its a little easier.

One of the more fun things we did (I think) was go to the butterfly garden. We had done this tour before with Christy's parents when they visited and it really is great. They have a wonderful selection of butterflies in the garden itself, as well as a unique exhibit that shows the different styles and stages of larva through butterflies. Really quite impressive. If you are willing to pay just a bit more, you can get a guide to walk you through not only the entire butterfly garden portion - but you also get to tour their reptile exhibit too which for given the size of this park is quite amazing. You walk on a catwalk above a grand selection of crocs, caymons, snakes, turtles, lizards and other creatures. Last time we were there Sammy was sleeping through the lizards - so I think he enjoyed it. The other plus side about this butterfly garden / park is that it is under cover of the rainforest so you don't get quite as zapped by the sun.

Although not uncommon to see out by the beach, here in San Jose we see almost no lizards so its neat to have them just outside your bedroom window getting some rays on the warm roof tiles. I especially liked these lizards better than the ones in Jaco because I'm pretty sure if this guy got angry at me - I would still be eating him for dinner instead of the other way around.

The last pictures that Justin was kind enough to take include a little beach time with Lizzy and I. Although I will never understand why kids love to get messy in sand (in their hair, their suits, their toes...everywhere) - getting in the ocean itself will always make sense to me. Although the waves are a bit intimidating people the size of Elizabeth and Sammy - they both did great in the water. We had bought little floaties (innertubes) for them to use - and as long as daddy was close and holding on - things were good. Luckily on this particular day you can see the waves were not too bad - only one capsized on Sammy and that was mostly my fault for not paying attention (needless to say he was done with the water and wanted mom after he coughed up some salt water).

I hope the new year thus far has been good for everyone. Christy and I are excited, if not intimidated to go back to our 'old' roles in the family. Starting tomorrow I'll be spending full days at La Palabra de Vida with teacher orientation and lesson planning, and Christy will be home all day with both of the kids. Lizzy is going to be home schooling with Christy starting tomorrow (pray for them!). In addition to my teaching at La Palabra, I've officially started another class at Covenant - Reformation to Modern Church History. So, if you want a survey course level detail history of that topic - feel free to drill me on it. :)
We will be in touch!

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