Monday, March 24, 2008

And we're off (almost)...

Happy Easter! We've been having a good time in Boca Raton with Dave & Julie Phillips. We attended Church at First Baptist of Boyton Beach (where Dave is youth pastor) on Friday evening. Also, we have fulfilled two of Elizabeth's most exciting events – the zoo and the beach! We went to a little local aquarium down town Boca (kind of like Cosley Animal farm for those of you familiar with Wheaton) on Friday afternoon. We went to the beach Saturday late afternoon and got to spend ten minutes there before it started down pouring - but I think that was good enough for Elizabeth. I promised her we would see an even more impressive beach at some point down in Costa Rica.

We had a great time on Easter Sunday when Julie's parents invited us over for an Easter meal. We had wonderful Ham, Potatoes and green beans. Also, they prepared an awesome Easter egg hunt for the kids. They are expecting their first grand kids mid 2008, and their excitement was overflowing on our kids :) I've included a couple pictures of the kids during the hunt and also counting their plunder (and a picture of the dress you made Elizabeth mom!)

One immediate prayer request is that we will have no problems finding a place to live in the first week down in San Jose. A mild over site on our part - but we have found out sense talking to our big brother from language school that because there are about 3 more weeks left in the trimester at language school there may not be many places to rent until graduation at the end of the trimester. If we can not find a place, we can stay for a while at La Palabra and/or cover the gap by staying in a hotel. Both are adequate solutions - but I know that Christy and I are looking forward to beginning to settle in down there and beginning to unpack all of our luggage into what will be our new home for the next year.

I've also included a couple pictures of the family while messing around with dad's new computer. We decided at the last second to buy a relatively inexpensive laptop in case a) anything happens to Christy's computer and also b) to make it easier for both of us to stay in touch. Also, higher ticket electronic items have a markup of 200 or more percent as compared to the US - so we figured it would probably be an investment well spent.

We hope everyone is doing great - and we look forward to being in touch! We may not have easy access to phone and/or Internet initially, but we will work hard to get it so we can stay connected with everyone. We love you all and will talk with you soon.

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