Friday, September 19, 2008

You know its time for a weekend

When you start hoping your students do bad on a pop quiz. Mind you, I do not wish anyone ill. I actually want all of these kids to do great, learn alot and succeed. However, we started reading the Diary of Anne Frank last week. Well...CORRECTION....I handed it out and they were supposed to start reading. I know they did not read the first ten pages like they were supposed to, they know they did not read the first ten pages like they were supposed to - so what is one to do? Coming from the teacher who said on the first day 'I LOVE HOMEWORK' as I have proceeded to give them homework a majority of the days - my solution was a pop quiz. Some questions were a bit more tricky, but some questions easy enough that you could almost guess the answer (e.g., what noise did they hear that scared them - answer: soldiers. One of my students guessed because there were tanks, guns, plans and soldiers. I gave him a quarter point for good guessing). Anyway, hopefully that will jolt them back into reality and allow them to study a bit more. At the end of the day, these are really smart kids - so I'm hoping that they throw all they have at this play as I think it is a great one.

I wish you all could hear this. There is a car alarm going off in the La Palabra Parking Lot - its like every $50 alarm you buy at Radio Shack back in the states. It prevents nothing - but it sure is both loud and annoying. stopped for a second....oh wait...its back on. My ears hurt.

Anyway, did you all catch the news today? The U.S. government decided we needed another one trillion dollars in taxes and bailed out all the finance companies. I'm too tired to do a 'my analysis' of the situation. At the end of the day some variation of a saving plan was probably worth while, but when you think about the long term impacts its pretty staggering.

Anyway, hope everyone is going well. I'm going to try and listen to another Covenant seminary lecture before I get too tired to be of any use. If you get a chance, write us and tell us how you are doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are you going to blog again you slacker? I'm sure you're not able to blog for the very reason that you're not a slacker. Miss you guys,