Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Monday!

I must admit, now that I am part time at work, early in the week is not really all that bad anymore. The long three day weekends combined with less stressful items on my to do list at work have taken alot of pressure off me. This is probably good as I'm sure the move to Wheaton as well as living out of a hotel for three or more weeks in Richmond could increase the tension quotient at our house....

We have some new pictures to share. This is outside of Christy's Nana and Papa's place in Baltimore. The kids were outside playing, and quite happy. I'm sure that is because one minute after this picture was snapped, I drove up after being away in Detroit for 5 days (not because nana bought them new balls to play with).

Here is another picture that was drawn by Elizabeth last weekend while at my office. It is a puppy, apparently with a necklace or a bow tie. Also, the little red things that look like flames are not the tail; rather, they are the back legs (more than two? I don't know...) All kidding aside, it is the best picture she has drawn to date, and certainly worth sharing with the world.

My one investing tip for the day.... If you've been dying to know, which HD format is going to win in DVDs, it may have been decided yesterday (see: The video rental business was a big driver in sorting out the Beta Max versus VHS tape format back in the we will see if this has similiar implications. Untill next time...

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